Open Gym
Open Gym provides athletes with an opportunity to practice previously learned skills that do not require spotting by a coach or instructor. Staff is present at Open Gym to supervise and enforce safety guidelines. Only athletes who are actively enrolled or who have previously been enrolled in classes at Central Bucks Gymnastics and Dance are permitted to attend.
We do not have any Open Gyms scheduled at this time.
Registration and payment via our Customer Portal is required in advance.
Parents and guardians are welcome to observe Open Gym from the waiting, but are not permitted in the gymnasium during open gym. A parent or guardian must remain in the facility throughout Open Gym for children age ten and younger.
Please review the following Open Gym rules, as well as the general rules and safety guidelines on our website:
- Use of trampoline, Tumbl Trak, and mini-trampolines may be limited and must be supervised by a staff member.
- Equipment may not be adjusted or moved except for mats and vaulting boards.
- No horseplay (including tag) permitted.
- Children must be picked up by 9:00 PM. A fee of $10.00 will be charged for any child picked up after 9:05 PM.