
Updates and Information COVID-19 and Reopening

May 9th, 2020

Information about GymKids, GymStarsKinderdance and tumbling classes is now available on our website. The Performance Dance will be available shortly and our dance staff will be in touch with previous customers to facilitate the registration process.

The 2020-2021 program year, which will begin on September 21st, will look much different than previous years.  As a result of COVID-19, we reduced the number and variety of classes and decreased the student/instructor ratio. We will add additional classes and/or increase the student/teacher ratio if the demand exists and we can safely do so.

Registration will look much different. We are launching a user friendly online Customer Portal that is accessible by mobile app and computer. Features include schedules, class registration, ability to update personal information and change payment method, as well as access to class history, news and more.

The registration process will consist of two phases:

  • Priority Registration – Existing customers with children actively enrolled in a dance or gymnastics class when we temporarily closed on March 13, 2020 will have an opportunity to begin registering on Friday September 4th. These families will receive an email on September 3rd with instructions for accessing the Customer Portal and registering before the public.
  • Open Registration – Registration will open to the public on Friday, September 11th.

We switched from session-based classes/tuition to progressive enrollment (continues throughout the program year unless you decide to drop) and convenient automatic monthly billing.

Due to health and safety considerations and occupancy limits resulting from COVID-19, spectators (parents, guardians, caregivers, siblings, etc.) are not permitted in the facility. We will greet and check in students at the front door. Family members with access to the Customer Portal can view a secure live stream of class from just about anywhere.

You’ll have access to our Health and Safety Plan and other important information in the Customer Portal. In the meantime, please take time to read our updated policies for more information about the changes you can expect throughout the year.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We’ve been hard at work finalizing the schedule, putting the finishing touches on a brand new Customer Portal that will be accessible by computer or mobile device, and setting up a secure remote viewing system available through the Customer Portal in order to allow parents/spectators to view classes without having to come inside.

Barring any unforeseen setbacks, the schedule for most of our programming will be posted on our website no later than Wednesday, September 2nd. Families with credit from March will receive an email with instructions on how to access the Customer Portal and register for classes before we open registration to the general public. Your credit will show up on your account once you log in so you can be apply to tuition at checkout.
In order to adhere to health and safety guidelines, we will offer a limited number of classes in each program and maintain very low ratios to start the year. GymStars (1st grade and up) classes will be held on Saturdays and Sundays, Kinderdance (3-6) classes will be held on Saturdays, GymKids (3-6) classes will be held during the daytime, Saturday and Sunday. We will add additional classes whenever safely possible based on demand.
AUGUST 10, 2020 – UPDATE ON 2020-2021 PROGRAM YEAR

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.

 The global pandemic has created unique and unprecedented challenges for small businesses like Central Bucks Gymnastics and Dance, but we’ve been working diligently to figure out the safest way to begin providing top-notch recreational gymnastics and dance programming again soon.
We draw from many local school districts in Bucks County and the surrounding region. We’ve been waiting patiently for them to roll our their reopening plans before we finalize and announce our schedule for the program year ahead. The non-traditional models (hybrid, 100% online, etc.) many school districts are offering to start the school year have provided us with an opportunity to consider new and different programming.
Our competitive gymnastic programs resumed practice a few weeks ago. We had to make a number of changes to the our gymnasts practice and interact with each other, and with the coaches. Everyone has adapted well and we’ve gained useful insight and valuable experience.
Prior to resuming practice, we developed a comprehensive, evidence-based Health and Safety Plan based on guidance from the CDC, OSHA, Pennsylvania Department of Health, USA Gymnastics, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Parks and Recreation Society. We sought input from and continue to consult with experts at Doylestown Health and the Bucks County Department of Health. The plan will be published on the online registration portal you will use to register for classes.
Our goal is to release information about many of our programs and open online registration in the next few weeks. We realize this isn’t as early as our customers are used to and we apologize for the delay. We are taking a cautious and thoughtful approach to reopening recreational programming.
We look forward to seeing you again soon!

The following summer camps have been cancelled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • GymKids Summer Camp – June 15-19
  • GymStars Summer Camp #1 – June 22-26
  • GymStars Summer Camp #2 – July 13-17
  • GymStars Summer Camp #3 – August 3-7
  • All dance camps

Customers who registered and paid for camps received refunds. If you were registered for a camp, please check your email for a receipt confirming the refund. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this uncertain and challenging time. On behalf of our family and employees, we hope this message finds you safe and healthy. We miss our gymnasts and dancers terribly and look forward to the time when we can reopen and get back to doing what we love!

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf recently released his Plan for PA which provides a framework and guidance for relief, reopening and recovery for the commonwealth. Prior to the release of the Plan for PA we had extraordinarily little information on which to base our planning for the resumption of normal business operations. With the release of the plan came the unfortunate realization that we will likely remain closed for an extended period. Makeup classes and other options including scaled down virtual classes we previously considered offering our customers to make up for missed time seem unreasonable given the uncertainty surrounding when we will reopen and other factors.

We are in regular communication with legislators and public health officials to offer perspective on the impact this having on small, family-owned businesses like ours and to stay up to date on guidance related to reopening and cleaning/disinfection. We are working closely with our cleaning supply vendor to develop a CDC-compliant plan that will allow us to reopen safely as soon as we are able.

We suspended activities on Friday, March 13th. The last day of Session 2 for GymStars, GymKids and Kinderdance classes would have been April 4th. This means that our Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday classes missed out on three weeks and Saturday classes missed out on four weeks.

We have an extraordinarily supportive and dedicated community of customers and I can assure you that we will reopen when it is safe to do so. Based on our strong track record of retention and the number of parents who have reached out to tell us how much their child misses their classmates and instructor, we anticipate that most will resume classes once we get through this terrible ordeal. Therefore, we plan to issue credit to all customers for missed classes. The credit will not expire and can be used for anniversary fee, tuition and pro shop purchases. We are in the process of issuing credits to each customer and setting up an online customer portal that our customers will be able to access that will show the credit amount and, in the future, allow you to register for classes and camps. You will be able to access the customer portal via an app or web browser.

With that being said, we understand that this is a difficult time for many families due to job loss and other factors. If you do not plan to return in the future, you can request a refund by sending an email to Please put “refund request” in the title of the email and include your child’s name in the body of the email. If the credit or debit card you used to make your most recent payment is stored in our system and valid, we will issue the refund directly to that card. If we don’t have a card on file, it is invalid (expired, cancelled, etc.), or you paid with cash or check, we will issue the refund in the form of a check made payable to the parent or guardian listed on the account and mail it to the address we have on file. A $3.00 processing fee will be subtracted from the refund amount to offset a portion of the costs and fees associated with processing refunds. The deadline to submit a request for a refund is June 12, 2020.

Issuing credits or refunds to hundreds of customers and setting up a new customer interface will take time. Our goal is to issue all credits and have the customer portal up and running by the end of May. We will begin accepting refund requests immediately and process them as quickly as we can. Once again, the deadline to submit a request for a refund is June 12, 2020.

At this time, the status of summer camps is uncertain. We will decide whether we will run camps by the end of May. If you already registered a child for camp, we plan to contact you to update you on the status of camps at that time.

Thank you for your patience, understanding and support. Please don’t hesitate to send an email or call me on my cell phone at 570-856-0710 (we aren’t in the office on a regular basis right now so this is the easiest way to reach me) if you have questions, concerns or feedback.


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